Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bombay isn’t the same anymore!


I had always thought of myself as guy who does not sentimental too easily. When all of us were having fun in the parties at the end of the course, I always lived for the moment and thought this is never going to end.

Turns out I was way too optimistic or as some would say way too drunk.

It hasn’t been even a week really that most of you have left for the hometowns and I dread even going somewhere close to the building. The convocation day was shock enough for me and now seeing everyone only on FB makes me realize that it’s really over.

Every one of us will now be what we were before the start of the course, albeit with a small difference that now we know that somewhere in some part of the country, we have a friend with whom we spent 2 great years of our life.

Missing my friends.